For Radiologists

Transpara Breast Care for Radiologists

3D mammograms, being more complex, do take radiologists more time to read. With a worldwide shortage of radiologists and the rule in some countries that two radiologists must read every mammogram, this can cause some delays and more anxiety for those of us waiting for results.

Decision support

But help is at hand! Because Transpara Breast Care AI is based on technology that has been trained on over a million mammograms and is continually learning, it acts as a ‘second pair of eyes’ helping the radiologist to make faster and more accurate decisions. This is known as ‘Decision Support’. It helps a radiologist read 3D mammograms faster than before.

In this way, Transpara Breast Care helps a radiologist to prioritize and provide an enhanced service for patients.

Transpara Breast Care is built on an algorithm which has been trained to recognize ‘telltale’ signs in a mammogram. It has learned the characteristics of different abnormalities and in minutes can tell whether signs of a potential cancer are present.

The Transpara Breast Care scoring system

Transpara is the leader in its field due to its unique scoring system for mammograms.

Transpara assigns each mammogram a score between 1 and 10. A 10 score indicates that there is an elevated risk of cancer in the image while lower scores indicate very low to low risk. Those women with a mammogram score of 10 can be assessed immediately. Not all will have a cancer but those few that do can be treated earlier. That treatment will usually be less invasive, less painful and there is an enhanced likelihood of a successful treatment.

For most of those women who have mammograms with a lower score, the good news can be delivered more quickly.

In addition, by having the ‘second pair of eyes’ that Transpara Breast Care provides, it has the potential to reduce the number of cancers being missed

Transpara Breast Care helps a radiologist to
deliver better patient care