This is Transpara Breast Care
Our radiologists really care about your safety. Transpara software helps them work better and feel more confident in what they are doing. Your healthcare provider is happy to offer this service during your mammogram so you can all feel even better about the results.
Understanding your screening journey,
and how Transpara helps
Your mammogram
When you go for your mammogram, you might feel a little worried. But most women who get checked do not have signs of cancer on their mammogram. Imagine this: if 100 women get screening mammograms, 10 may be asked to get some more tests and only about 1 of them might have cancer show up on her test. Having regular mammograms helps us catch cancer early when it’s still small!

Your radiologist
The people who check mammograms, called radiologists, are very careful. They look at the pictures closely. If they see something that seems suspicious, they will ask for more pictures to get a better look. This happens to about 10 out of the 100 women. But don’t worry too much! Only about 1 woman in every 100 women screened ends up having cancer. And when a cancer is caught early, there are a lot of treatments that work and are available.
So, when a radiologist looks at your mammogram, they are searching for something that’s hard to spot and might not even be there.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Now, let’s talk about Artificial Intelligence, or AI. Each woman’s breasts are a bit different. AI helps by learning from lots of mammograms to recognize tiny signs of cancer that can be hard for humans to see. It is like finding a polar bear in a snowstorm! Skilled and careful radiologists use the AI to make themselves “superhuman.”

What is Transpara?
ScreenPoint Medical has developed a special kind of AI called Transpara. Transpara is Breast AI (software) that scans the images in your mammogram looking for areas that are suspicious for cancer. This helps your radiologist focus on small spots that would be easy to miss, to help women with cancer get treatment earlier. It can also help your radiologist be more confident when reading the 99% of cases that have NO cancer.

How do I know Transpara is safe?
What is artificial intelligence?
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