Why Transpara Breast Screening
Our promise is ensure women to live longer and fuller lives as they deserve through earlier detection of breast cancer.
Why Transpara for Screening
Transpara Breast Care is peace of mind

It is now possible to train computers to assist experts with many complex tasks. This is called Artificial Intelligence or AI for short. Transpara is an AI solution that has been ‘trained’ to help radiologists find more breast cancers earlier.
Transpara has, so far, been trained on over 1 million mammograms provided by clinical sources from around the globe! It is already making a difference helping to enhance breast cancer detection in over 30 countries including the USA, UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands. The experts at ScreenPoint Medical continue to train Transpara with more and more data and, therefore, every year, Transpara continues to get better at its job.
As a clinically proven AI deep learning decision support system, Transpara helps radiologists identify potential cancers more quickly and at an earlier stage. It is similar to having an additional doctor review your mammogram! Transpara is clinically proven to enhance the reading accuracy of a radiologist.
Here’s how it works
A 2D or a 3D (Digital Breast Tomosynthesis) mammogram is performed as usual
Transpara analysis
Analysis of the scan begins immediately, recognizing suspicious patterns learned in
its large database.
Decision Support
A radiologist reads the mammogram with the aid of Transpara, acting as a second pair of eyes.
Better Result
Transpara helps radiologists improve accuracy, confidence and consistency of the final decision.